Local Organizations
If you are aware of any changes to this list, please us the Contact link to let us know.

4-H Clubs and Associations, Contact St. Lawrence County Cornell Cooperative Extension, 315-379-9192.
American Legion Auxiliary, 1st Tuesday, Sept.-June; 7 PM, 163 E. Main St. Contact Gloria Youngs, 315-562-3481.
American Legion Post 65, 2nd Sunday each month 4 PM, 163 E. Main St., Contact Donnie Matice, 315-287-4590.
B.P.O.E. - Elks No. 2035, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:15 PM. Contact Melissa Knight 315-287-0848 or the Lodge at 315-287-1630.
East Side Neighborhood Improvement Program, Designed to help low-income families obtain funds for home improvements and 1st time village home buyers. Contact Village of Gouverneur, 315-287-1720 Ext. 226.
​Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce meets the first Monday of every month in the Eldon Conklin Community Center in the conference room, at noon. Contact Executive Director, Donna Besaw at the Chamber office: 53 Herm Towne Road, 315-287-0331 - 315-287-4926 (fax)

Gouverneur Clericus Ministerial Association, Time, date, place TBA Reverend Bob La Veck at 315-287-7656
Eldon Conklin Gouverneur Community Center A cooperative community project between the Town of Gouverneur and the Village of Gouverneur. State of the art Media Room, Kitchen, meeting rooms and office spaces.
​Gouverneur Foundation Inc., founded to provide scholarships for academic excellence, quarterly meetings. For further information write to Gouverneur Foundation at 133 E. Barney St., Gouverneur, New York 13642. Chris LaRose, 315-287-4870.
Gouverneur Garden Club, 1:00 PM, 1st Thursday, March-December, at the Community Center..​​
Gouverneur Historical Association and Museum. Visit the "hands-on history" of the Gouverneur Museum. Open Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 PM and Saturdays (and any other day) by appointment.
Gouverneur Hospital Auxiliary, 3rd Monday each month at 7 PM, Education Building at the Gouverneur Hospital. Contact Pam LaLonde, 315-727-1953.
Gouverneur Lions Club, 315-771-1310, every second and fourth Wednesday of the month from September - June at Mullins Restaurant at 6:30 PM.
Gouverneur Neighborhood Center, 8 a.m. - 3 PM Monday-Friday, Rock Island Street, Programs and services for low to moderate income level persons. Thrift shop, food pantry also available. Lorraine Taylor, 315-287-3370.
Gouverneur Retired Teachers Assoc., 12 Noon, 3rd Thursdays., September-December, April-June. Agnes Hudson, 315- 287-0745
Gouverneur Rod and Gun Club and affiliate Marble City Muzzle Loaders, contact Kevin Gale, ktgale2@yahoo.com, 671 SHWY 812, Harrisville, NY 13648​

Photo: Amy Cook

Kiwanis Club, 7 a.m., 1st & 2nd Tuesdays, 6 PM, 3rd Tuesday, Mullin's Restaurant. Contact Bob Buddenhagen, 315-287-1652
Knights of Columbus Bishop James J. Navaugh Council 5810,7 PM, 1st Tuesday, Sept.-June, in basement of St. James Church. Ed Karaszkiewicz, 315-350-0164.
Les Beaux Arts - Shirley Jones, 315-287-2782.
Masonic Lodge No. 217, 7:30PM 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Masonic Temple. Stephen Theraldsen, 315-287-2351.
MOMS Club, Facebook page, email contact.
North Country Players, 14 Caroline Street, Gouverneur. Richard Haynes. Visit their website.
North Country Street Stuff, Street Rod Car Club, 7 PM 2nd Wednesday, VFW. Judy Nichols, 315-287-0826.
Recreation Center, Village of Gouverneur, various activities for youth and adults. Casey Canell, 315-287-0524.
Rod & Gun Club, 7:PM 2nd Wednesday, April thru Oct. at Club House, Roger Royce, 315-562-2180.
Senior Citizens Club, Regular meeting is 2nd Tuesday, 1:PM Covered Dish. All meetings are held at Gouverneur Recreation Center, 8 Trinity Ave. Contact Elaine Lewis, 315-287-5053.
Shakespeare Club, Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 12:30 PM at Mullins Restaurant. Susie Meyer, 315-287-2896.
Thousand Islands Brownies, Girl Scouts and Cadets, Area Organizer Terry Streeter, 315-287-0186.
V.F.W. - 7:PM, 2nd Thursdays at Post, Mike Webster, 315-562-3699.
V.F.W. Auxiliary, 7:PM, 2nd Thursdays at Post, Marlene Webster, 315-562-3699.
V.F.W. DADS POST 80, 7:PM, 2nd Mondays at Post. Contact Dick House, 315-287-4116.
V.F.W. Men's Auxiliary, 7:PM, Last Thursdays at Post. Contact Jack Phillips, 315-287-0216.
Weight Watchers, 5:15 PM Weigh In- 6:PM meeting every Monday, Education building at the hospital.